My friend, Sheryl, came into possession of her late grandmother's diary, dated 1911-1914. Her grandmother, Helena Muffly (Swartz), was 15 years old when she began her diary. Sheryl posts her grandma's entries one day at a time, exactly 100 years after Helena Muffly wrote them. Sheryl also posted a photo of the farm where her grandmother was raised in Central Pennsylvania near McEwensville. I especially loved 16-year-old Helena Muffly's December 1, 1911, writing:
"The dying year around us a glory sheds
December with her pleasures breaks upon the scene,
Around our hearts a happy gladness lies
Christmas is coming with her laurels of green."
"Didn't have school today. Had a notion to go a visiting, but then didn't, as I had some particular work which I wanted done. Well, as Thanksgiving is over, I am looking forward to Christmas, hoping some pleasant surprises await me. Vice versa of January 31."
The first day of each month Helena wrote a poem in her diary. It is not known whether she composed the poetry, or if she copied the beautiful words from a book. Either way, what a lovely way to begin the month.
Comments made 100 years later, December 1, 2011, by her granddaughter, Sheryl:
"I wonder if Grandma was planning to make any gifts for family or
friends. If she wanted to make aprons, she could have ordered patterns
from Ladies Home Journal.
According to a December, 1911, article called the “The Pretty Christmas Apron:” Sheryl included the following beautiful images of aprons, as published by the December 1911 issue of Ladies Home Journal:
"Odds and ends of the piece-bag and remnants from the bargain counter may be utilized to make these pretty aprons."
(Permission was granted to write this blog article about Helena Muffly and use the lovely apron photos by Sheryl Lazarus. They are from her site, A Hundred Years Ago (Click on highlighted web site to visit Sheryl.) She would be happy to hear from you! Sheryl brings every day's entry to life by testing her grandmother's recipes, taking new photos of old locations, sharing stories, etc. She relives each day as if her grandma were still here with her, and what a joy it must be to feel the heart, emotions, and thoughts of a wonderful grandmother who lived not that long before her.